Software development

Mixing objects of different types in a Boost.python list

Demonstration Code–mixing objects of different types in a Boost.python list In Python, a list is allowed to contain objects of various types. Using Python’s introspection capabilities, it’s easy to process a mixed list because you can just test each list member to see what kind it is, using isinstance(objectA, TypeB). This creates a problem when […]

Mixing objects of different types in a Boost.python list Read More »

“Ubuntu” actually means “eats your config files”

The Dapper-to-Edgy upgrade was surprisingly smooth, once I figured out how to do it. Unfortunately, the new version overwrote my “/boot/grub/menu.lst” so I could not boot Windows. I have enough experience with Linux that this was a five-minute fix, but it could be pretty scary for an inexperienced person. Who knows what else got over-written

“Ubuntu” actually means “eats your config files” Read More »