
Nginx default user changed in RedHat/CentOS package nginx-1.16.1-1.el7

The latest Nginx rpm (nginx-1.16.1-1.el7) from EPEL for CentOS/Redhat is a fairly major update, from version 1.12 to 1.16, and includes some very important fixes to address multiple CVEs. There is another small but critical change in the latest RPM that isn’t mentioned in the bug report. RedHat had configured nginx to run as user “apache” […]

Nginx default user changed in RedHat/CentOS package nginx-1.16.1-1.el7 Read More »

Updating to WordPress 5 on a Linux Host: Requesting FTP Credentials

WordPress 5 didn’t install automatically on sites hosted on my CentOS 7 WordPress hosting server. That’s by design, because I’m selfish and I’d rather wait for a few bug-fix releases before making a major upgrade. When I chose to upgrade manually on a test site, WordPress asked for my FTP credentials: If you’re hosting WordPress

Updating to WordPress 5 on a Linux Host: Requesting FTP Credentials Read More »

New Relic APM on Fedora/CentOS/RedHat with SELinux Enforcing: Solved

I found the solution for getting the New Relic APM Agent to run on a CentOS 7 system with SELinux Enforcing. The only SELinux modification you have to make is to change the context of the log file directory /var/log/newrelic. You can temporarily make these changes with the chcon command: Kill any running instances of

New Relic APM on Fedora/CentOS/RedHat with SELinux Enforcing: Solved Read More »

Configure CentOS/RedHat VMs with Kickstart files on Virtualbox

Kickstart is a type of file that’s used to automatically install RedHat or CentOS Linux on a physical or virtual server. If you are managing more than a few servers, it’s a good idea to configure the servers via kickstart files instead of logging in and configuring each one manually. However, some unfortunate choices were

Configure CentOS/RedHat VMs with Kickstart files on Virtualbox Read More »