
Nginx default user changed in RedHat/CentOS package nginx-1.16.1-1.el7

The latest Nginx rpm (nginx-1.16.1-1.el7) from EPEL for CentOS/Redhat is a fairly major update, from version 1.12 to 1.16, and includes some very important fixes to address multiple CVEs. There is another small but critical change in the latest RPM that isn’t mentioned in the bug report. RedHat had configured nginx to run as user “apache”

Nginx default user changed in RedHat/CentOS package nginx-1.16.1-1.el7 Read More »

Configuring Laravel/Lumen applications to connect to SQL database sockets

The Laravel/Lumen framework documentation does not explain how to connect an application to a database using UNIX sockets instead of a TCP-based network connection. I recently had to configure the Polr URL shortener (built on the Lumen microframework by Laravel) to connect to Google Cloud SQL with a UNIX socket. Since all of Polr’s configuration takes place

Configuring Laravel/Lumen applications to connect to SQL database sockets Read More »