Web Applications

Node.js: Connecting to MySQL on a socket with Sequelize

According to its official description, “Sequelize is a promise-based Node.js ORM for Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and Microsoft SQL Server.” Sequelize is widely used in Node.js web applications to abstract the database layer. I recently found a “corner case” for Sequelize which is possible to accomplish, but is not well documented anywhere on the web.

Node.js: Connecting to MySQL on a socket with Sequelize Read More »

Alert Policies for Log Metrics on Google Stackdriver Monitoring

Google Cloud Operations, formerly known as Stackdriver Logging and Monitoring, can be very confusing to set up. It’s easy to monitor something simple, but more complex cases quickly get confusing. One of the more flexible but confusing types of alert policies in Stackdriver Monitoring is a Logs-Based Metrics policy, which gives you the ability to

Alert Policies for Log Metrics on Google Stackdriver Monitoring Read More »

curl or libcurl: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

curl, or an application that uses libcurl, may have a problem with an SSL certificate that works fine when using a web browser to access the same URL. Typical error output from curl looks like this: $ curl -v https://my-subdomain.mysecuresite.com Trying xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:443… TCP_NODELAY set Connected to my-subdomain.mysecuresite.com (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) port 443 (#0) ALPN, offering h2 ALPN,

curl or libcurl: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate Read More »

openssl unable to read/load/import SSL private key from GoDaddy

openssl is the standard open-source, command-line tool for manipulating SSL/TLS certificates on Linux, MacOS, and other UNIX-like systems. I recently ran into an interesting problem using openssl to convert a private key obtained from GoDaddy. Someone else used GoDaddy’s “wizard” interface to generate a certificate signing request (CSR) and private key, and saved the files

openssl unable to read/load/import SSL private key from GoDaddy Read More »

Nginx default user changed in RedHat/CentOS package nginx-1.16.1-1.el7

The latest Nginx rpm (nginx-1.16.1-1.el7) from EPEL for CentOS/Redhat is a fairly major update, from version 1.12 to 1.16, and includes some very important fixes to address multiple CVEs. There is another small but critical change in the latest RPM that isn’t mentioned in the bug report. RedHat had configured nginx to run as user “apache”

Nginx default user changed in RedHat/CentOS package nginx-1.16.1-1.el7 Read More »

Another Reason to Enable Private IP Addresses on Google Cloud SQL

Google Cloud SQL recently introduced the capability for an instance to have an IP address within the private address space of your VPC network. Previously, all Cloud SQL instances had IP addresses within the address space of the public Internet. Obviously, the public IP was a security and privacy concern, as well as a potential

Another Reason to Enable Private IP Addresses on Google Cloud SQL Read More »

Updating to WordPress 5 on a Linux Host: Requesting FTP Credentials

WordPress 5 didn’t install automatically on sites hosted on my CentOS 7 WordPress hosting server. That’s by design, because I’m selfish and I’d rather wait for a few bug-fix releases before making a major upgrade. When I chose to upgrade manually on a test site, WordPress asked for my FTP credentials: If you’re hosting WordPress

Updating to WordPress 5 on a Linux Host: Requesting FTP Credentials Read More »